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Indianapolis Extravaganza

For the last week, I have been setting up appointments in the Indianapolis area with various pastors, and they have gone very well.

I had a terrific time with a couple of former missionaries with the C&MA to Buenos Aires on Wednesday. We shared about our respective ministries, and in a couple of hours I felt invigorated, confirmed, and challenged in my mission to a culture that so desperately needs the Gospel. Wednesday's lunch was important for me and, I believe, for the work in Buenos Aires!

Thursday I got together with the rector of the AMiA church plants around Indiana, and I left amazed at what God is doing in my own home state, a region which still is only sparsely inhabited by orthodox Anglican congregations. The leadership seem to be thrilled with the mission in Argentina to which God has called me, and they will be looking into ways in which to help spread the word of my need for partners.

Finally today, Friday, I was able to meet with leadership from the Anglican Church of the Resurrection in Indianapolis, a CANA church made up mostly of native Africans coming from an Anglican tradition. I had hoped to meet with the Bishop, but he called in sick. Still I had a wonderful time speaking with the recently appointed archdeacon, and we will be taking steps to insure that this congregation so devoted to worship and to prepare will be upholding me and this ministry before our heavenly Father.

I head tomorrow to Evansville, Indiana to preach at Trinity Anglican Church at 4:30 PM, and from there I will be attending worship at Holy Apostles Anglican Church in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Weekends can be tiring, but I have high hopes for what God will do when his people come together to worship him!