Team Alenskis

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A little update (finally!)

Hey folks!

I know it's been a while, but I wanted to give you a brief little update about how things have been going in the support-raising world, and about what the Lord is doing here with the mission to Argentina!

First, I am very excited to let everyone know that I will be preaching and administering the Lord's Supper at Christ Church in Fallbrook, CA at 1:00 PM, Sunday June 20th.  They were very gracious in allowing me to come and fill in on a Sunday when most of their ministerial staff will be absent, and it gives me a wonderful opportunity to present not only the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but also about the mission and ministry he's called me to in Argentina.  I would love it if you could come and support me by attending: it's at an odd hour so many of you may be able to make it!

Second, with the June edition of the Resurrection Times, I've put up a couple of articles that I've written. The first is on the "Why?" of Missions, a follow-up to last month's article on the "What?" of Missions.  The second is a short piece on the Role of Doctrine for us in the Christian life.  I hope you all enjoy them!

Third, I ask your prayers as I try to get out my support letters.  I have my names and addresses in order, but I have a bit of writer's block when it comes to writing the actual letter.  I am really praying that my perfectionism doesn't get in the way of actually getting a tangible letter out to potential supporters, something which is much more important than having the "perfect" letter.

Thank you all for your prayers and interest in the website and the mission!  I'm excited to see what the Lord will be doing next!