Team Alenskis

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As of today - November 26th

Thank you all for your prayers. Things are cooling off here weather-wise and heating up otherwise, as we prepare to head into the season of Advent this coming Sunday. As I mentioned last week, this Sunday the Bishop Wright will be coming for his episcopal visit. We are decorating the church, bringing up Garifuna singers and drummers from Dangriga, examining the confirmands, and otherwise making ourselves quite busy. Thank goodness the work with the schools is lighter this week.

Apart from that, I am very excited to be moving ahead with a small project of performing a Christmas concert with some friends of mine as a benefit for the poor and elderly of Georgeville. On December 7th, we will be putting on our (probably very modified) version of Behold the Lamb of God. Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare for this concert. Pray that it will be a blessing not just for the poor and elderly of Georgeville, but also for those who come to listen to the Biblical narrative retold before Christmas.

Preaching on Revelation 1 (Christ the King) went well this past Sunday, and I am looking forward to spending Saturday not only at a Cursillo Ultreya, but also with our youth group that continues to go strong. I am rather encouraged by how God is bringing our young people together.

Other projects and visitations and ministry continue unabated. Hopefully a haircut will happen again sometime soon as well. I am still beginning to ratchet up the preparation for Deputation 2.0, and covet not only your prayers but your involvement in that process. If you are interested in giving to this ministry, or have ideas about where and to whom I might discuss this mission, please let me know!

Again, thank you for all your prayers and support!