Team Alenskis

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As of today - May 21st

Well, I'm here! I got into Belize City on Friday afternoon, where Maria and Juan Marentes were waiting for me to head up to San Ignacio. It had just rained, and the clouds looked as though they had been handpainted across the skies. Absolutely gorgeous.

Since then, we've been going non-stop, and yesterday evening was the first moment I've had to catch my breath. After getting to San Ignacio, we immediately went shopping for the basics of my apartment, and then stopped by the Vestry meeting at St. Andrew's. Saturday we went early to the market, and then headed to Belmopan for a meeting of the Diocesan Commission on Stewardship, after which we ran errands until our evening meeting with the Lay Ministers.

Sunday morning I led services at St. Andrew's Church (San Ignacio) and St. Hilda's Mission (Georgeville), while Fr. Juan preached. Sunday evening I was able to head back to my apartment and begin organizing it and my thoughts and emotions after some packed days. Today is a holiday for Belize, so I've had the morning off, but this afternoon I'm looking forward to meeting with Fr. Juan and Maria to talk about our mutual expectations and broad plans for the next few months.

Thank you for your prayers and support ... shoot me an email when you get a chance!