Team Alenskis

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As of today - June 4th

Wow, I can't believe that another whole week has gone by. Incredible.

Last week went well, though it was definitely full. Tthere were lots of surprises. Juan Marentes and I had a surprise memorial prayer service to lead for a member of the community in Georgeville on Tuesday, and I was given a surprise influx of a carpet of ants through my front door on Wednesday. Then on Thursday, I was surprised to twist my ankle and sprain my knee coming down a slippery hill. But I have been surprised (not unsurprisingly) by God's faithfulness through it all. Our team has gotten a lot done this week, and this week looks to be the same.

Two particular things for which to praise God. First, we had a great time on Saturday hiking with the youth in Georgeville up to a swimming and eating area off the beaten track. Nearly three miles up and three miles back, we were all a little hot and tired, but we had a great time and built a lot of relationships in the process.

Second, I am thrilled to say that I now am able to get access to the internet in my apartment. This will save money, if not time, and the speeds may be such to allow me to communicate often via VoIP telephony. The adventure continues.

Thank you all for your prayers ... especially for health, protection, and everything that comes with transitioning to life in a new place, in a new culture, and with a new team. Have a great week!