Team Alenskis

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Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I know everyone always says that the older you get the faster the years go by, but wow, time really does fly! 

We have had a very lovely Christmas here in Toronto. While it wasn’t the classic “White Christmas,” we also weren’t complaining about the warmer weather since there were three separate churches, each with their Christmas Eve/Day services, for us to serve at. As you know, I play organ at a church in east Toronto and we worship as a family at an Anglican (ANiC) church that meets here at Wycliffe. Well, back in October David took a position as the accompanist at third church on the east side of Toronto as well. This has been a real blessing for our family, although it has made Sunday mornings a bit more complicated now – bringing all the kids – but it does mean that they get to attend multiple Sunday schools and are making many new friends. This also meant two separate Christmas pageants, together with an extra children’s service on Christmas Eve (the highlight of which was at the end of the service when Austin said, “Glory to God!”). As a whole, Christmas has been full of worship: celebrating our Savior’s birth, and spending time together as a family. Christmas has definitely gotten more fun as our kids have grown!

A couple more highlights as the Fall 2023 term came to an end:

David not only was able to serve as a teaching assistant for Wycliffe’s preaching course – gaining further valuable teaching experience – but he was also able to travel to a conference in Baltimore to present research related to his dissertation, and he has also been submitting papers for publication in major theological journals (fingers crossed!). Most importantly, he is continuing to progress in his thesis writing and is still hoping to submit his dissertation by the end of next year.

For me, the highlight was being asked again to assemble and direct a choir for Wycliffe’s Advent Lessons and Carols service. This was my third year doing it, and it was absolutely amazing! I loved getting to work with such talented people, using my musical training to bring glory to God, and offering worship as part of such a beautiful service. While all of the choral pieces sounded their best that night (not a bad time to peak!), I was brought to tears when the whole congregation, along with the choir, sang “Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending” at the end of the service. It was as if together we were singing with a whole multitude of heavenly hosts. What a way to start to have started Advent!

As we now come to the end of the year, it really does feel like the end is in sight: we’re in the home stretch of our time here at Wycliffe. In fact, this coming March, David and I are scheduled to undertake a SAMS placement trip, looking into one possible place where we might next be headed on the mission field. We are very excited about this, and other possibilities, and we ask for your prayers as we discern God’s will for our family. We will definitely update you all as we learn more!

We want to thank you all for your support for our family during this time of home ministry assignment! Your prayers and financial gifts have made possible our time here in Toronto, and our return to the mission field. We now ask, as we come into the New Year, that you stick with us, and continue partnering with us as we finish out this lap of our family’s journey. We so appreciate your prayers and financial support. One of the main things that I love about being missionaries with SAMS is that the society puts so much emphasis on the importance of “senders.” We couldn’t “go” if God didn’t also give us those who “send”. So thank you!

Along those lines, as we come to the start of 2024 I’d like to ask that you consider connecting us with any others you might know who might consider supporting our family in this time time of training and transition back on the mission field. As you know, Toronto is very expensive, especially for a family of five, and financial support from senders like you has slowly atrophied during this period of preparation. We have absolutely seen God’s hand of provision during this time of scarcity, but we also want both to be able to finish up our time here well, as well as to return to the mission field as quickly as possible. Your gift of prayer, donations, or connections will help us achieve these goals, and as we approach the end of 2023, we invite you to join with us in moving toward the new ministry that lies just ahead.

Again, thank you so much for your support and Merry Christmas!