It's Synod Time!

Well, it's been more than a week, and more than a little has been happening since I last posted an update. Here goes.

I had a wonderful time of rest and relaxation on the two federal holidays that we had last week. I went with the other ministerial family here at St. Mark's to an island in the middle of the Paraná River, near the area of El Tigre. It was lovely and marvelous, and I came back feeling very refreshed!

Last Sunday, we had the installation service for me here at St. Mark's, and everything went smoothly. I am now officially licensed to serve as an assistant minister here in Hurlingham and within the Diocese of Argentina. Afterwards, I had a fantastic time with Bishop Nicholas Drayson and his wife as they came through and visited us that evening. We also began coordinating for our mission trip up to be the Wichi tribes at the end of April, and it looks like I may be staying there for a few more weeks than I thought. More details to come!

Tonight, we had a meeting of the clergy at the Bishop's house to discuss some of the upcoming issues that we will be addressing during the diocesan synod, which is tomorrow and Sunday. The main points for discussion will be: financial independence from foreign churches, growth and missional development among the churches, and a look to the future to begin thinking about beginning a new diocese. Also, more details here to come. This weekend is full, as was last weekend, and we've been trying to take things somewhat slowly here in between to keep from becoming overwhelmed. But a lot is happening, and I'm gradually getting used to life and ministry, week by week, here in Buenos Aires!