Team Alenskis

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As of today - May 28th

What a week it's been! I've been busy, as I expected, but when you're working in Belize, you'd be surprised how much you can cram into a day ... let alone into a week.

I've spent a lot of my time adjusting to the new life here in Belize. Adjusting to the heat, adjusting to the humidity, adjusting to the critters, adjusting to the language. While this doesn't necessarily put immediate demands on time per se, it is a load on the emotions and on the personal stability of a person. God has been good at holding me up through it all, but these matters do take their toll.

This past Sunday I was quite busy, which was meet and right since it was the Feast of Pentecost. I had the honor of preaching both at St. Andrew's (San Ignacio) and St. Hilda's (Georgeville), and of leading music at the services. In addition, I was asked to perform five baptisms for the service at St. Andrew's, and I was thrilled to step up to the challenge.

Otherwise, the week was filled with pastoral visits, meetings with congregational leaders, and working through administrative details like how to transfer money, how to get internet access, and where to invite people out to eat. All the important things!

Thank you all for your prayers!