Team Alenskis

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As of today - August 20th

It's been a reasonably quiet couple of weeks here in San Ignacio. I think we are all enjoying the few remaining days left before summer ends, school begins, and the weeks fill up with chapel services and Bible studies. In the meantime, I've been able to chew through some reading (a little bit of D.B. Hart, J.L. Borges, and Marilynne Robinson). I've also been slowly working through and translating some treatises by John of Damascus On the Holy Trinity and On the Two Wills in Christ. It's nerdy and whatnot, but it helps keep me sane, especially as soon as things get crazy come September.

A few other things of note to report from last week. First, we were unexpectedly graced by a visit from the Bishop of Belize, Philip Wright. He preached and led services at St. Andrew's and St. Hilda's, and inaugurated our new Community Center, a building which will basically function like St. Andrew's church's parish hall. It was great to spend time with him and a few other visitors on Sunday.

Second, we are moving ahead to try and begin some real work with adolescents and young adults in the Cayo area. I've begun speaking with key people to get it going, and we're hoping to start meeting in a couple of weeks. Please pray that God puts hunger and desire in our youth for spiritual community, godly teaching, and holy living!

It looks like I will also be preaching this Sunday ... I anticipate the passage to be John 6:60-71. Please keep that in your prayers as well!