Team Alenskis

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As of today - September 9th

It's time for an update! The thing most pressing on my mind is that I'm sick, basically stuck at home. A stomach flu bug has been going around town here, and Monday it grabbed me by the knickers and tackled me to the sod. I'm still not really recovered, so please keep me in your prayers.

Our first week of school went well last week: thank you all for your prayers! The new principal at St. Hilda's school is doing very well, despite the absence of the principal the teachers of St. Barnabas' school have really come together as a team, and St. Andrew's school is booming as ever. Despite some long hours, and some hard moments, God has been blessing the beginning of the school year, and I am looking forward to seeing what he has in store for us next!

Tomorrow (September 10th) is a major national holiday in Belize, celebrating the 1798 Battle of St. George's Caye. There will be parades, ceremonies, and lots of music ... not unlike the following patriotic number:

The patriotic celebrations will continue until we celebrate the 1981 Independece Day on September 21st. And in case you want to hear it, here's a recording of the Belizean national anthem:

Thank you all for your prayers and support. I hope that once I'm over this stomach flu I will have more news. God bless you all!